Friday, December 25, 2009

The progressive movement needs to be dead. Period.

It isn't enough that they have the power, they are destined to destroy everything they touch. It is a by product of their aggression they cant control their power you see it in the unions as they consume until corporations, cities, counties and states are bankrupt, you see it in the politicians as they tax and spend until cities counties and states are bankrupt, you see it in institutions like Fannie and Freddie.

We will all experience the trauma of Detroit as the poison fruit of progressive-ism destroys the tree it grew on.

Hear in the voices of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Franks, Maxine Waters and now Obama, the hate and fear of everything they don't understand or believe in. Hate of you and me, Sarah Palin, or conservative brethren in congress, conservative USA. Constitutional Law. They say Constitution? Why should I care about that? Some lawyer somewhere can do that.

Think about it as you cling to your bibles and guns, plant your AstroTurf or monger your evil or practice your racist KKK rituals.

This isn't a daydream of mine, they hate and loathe us. They have chose to insult us in the most base and demeaning ways.

They have stood in front of the country and had the hubris to call us out as the enemy of freedom, the enemy of good, and racists, all in the worse possible terms

I no longer claim them as my countrymen, I can only bear so much insult. I accept the challenge, they need to be put in the back seat and strapped in. I can no longer allow them to steer our country. The progressive movement needs to be dead. PERIOD.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Unions, Free Enterprise and Other belief systems

Background Blogs be Dominic Look At the Ways of Man ------ Cognitive dissonance ----- Grouping ----- Don't Rape our Women
I want to preface this with that I have no credentials to rant about psychology other than 68 years of existence and a personal curiosity

By DJMelfi "Runway Models" has not much to do with this blog, except it is a "GROUP" and may be my last chance to use this illustration.

What does it mean to be a member of a group? how do you identify with it and evaluate it? If we accept tenets like cognitive dissonance we know we might be capable of ignoring facts we are not comfortable with. If we are aware of cultures like Manson Family and Jonestown, we identify situations where we readily perceive that the falsehoods are easily understood, we still know that persons in these groups are totally committed and require extensive deprogramming if they are to leave these groups and re enter society at large. We necessarily understand the human condition allows for us to be totally muddled as to the truth, reality and intellectual honesty of our beliefs. Only removing us from the stream of DNA that is mankind can permit us to deny the very reality of what we believe is often erroneous and tainted.

How do we confirm and establish the roots of what we believe? One way is to study the historical record of what you believe. Another is to list the men you follow, who believe or believed the same as you, who they were and what were their credentials. Yet mostly this is circumstantial evidence, in the matters of belief systems exact proof is seldom available. Hence the need for the concepts of "Belief" and "Faith" versus Knowledge and fact.

If I use religion as an example, I can trace Christian beliefs through Pre Christ and Post Christ for 4000 years. I can establish it's force for good or evil and evaluate it's tenets through years of scholarship and discourse. Yet even then I have to confront Muslim beliefs which are newer and many beliefs which are as old or older than Christianity. There seems to be no full clarity even after 4000 years. And today man's hubris fueled by his science seems to raise him above all these traditional beliefs as archaic and out dated. As a consequence, in Muslim cultures for example, while Muslims cultures take credit for carrying man kind through the dark ages in science and other disciplines, today Islam seems to be anti-progress and reactionary. In Christian cultures a dogmatic approach to beliefs like creation seem to be opposed to modern scientific thought. It would seem that religions could have a "re sync" every 50 years or so and go through an update of thought that marries current recognized facts with the "beliefs". This would only recognize mankind's frailty to understand, not God's.

After thousands of years man's perceived success at understanding creation seems to have diminished God for many citizens and actually created new cults denying God. While atheists have always existed, they have not always been organized and vocal. It now seems that Mother Earth cultism may supplant the Almighty God as a religion. The Mother Earth as the source of all power is not a new concept and could parallel many peoples such as Native Americans whose great spirit always seemed to be connected to nature. Instead of the Christian concept of duty and responsibility to each other, the individual can and sometimes must be sacrificed for the good of the planet in these belief systems. In these systems man is not the master of the earth but a burdened guardian.

We can't prove God, it requires an act of faith inspired and supported by the Holy Spirit. So any real challenges to true believers goes unanswered. So the things we believe about God rely on Faith and not scientific facts. Truth even here seems evasive and subject to all of the group think and cognizant dissonance of any human belief system. From now on I will refer to group think as a belief system, because the new tricky shinning references seem to demean the topic.

Trying to understand the dynamics of belief systems in men can start by examining some of the characteristics that accompany this behavior in some common situations, then diametrically oppose it to the alternative concept.

Admittedly, I am having a difficult time transitioning to my point, which is that all of these allegiances seem to have more to do with the natural inclination of man to join and subscribe to groups and belief systems and that it seems to have little to do with truth or verifiable facts but is more an emotional or spiritual or mystical leap of faith. Much of this same dynamic seems to effect many of our institutions.

We can either believe that Unions such as SEIU are truly criminal organizations and actually have paid henchman to beat up tea partiers and opposing union members or that they are a cultist organization and certain over zealous members of the Union are willing to subject citizens to pain and humiliation to serve their cause. Of course, neither interpretation is flattering, but the answer to the question is rather important. I would be willing to say that at least some members fall into the latter category and are subject to cult like pressures.

If you are astute you may object that I offered false either / or choices about SEIU and am manipulating you to choose between two negatives, you would be right. I learned that from Obama. He is always offering us false choices. It is a trick. Obama constantly employs this trick and it is becoming nauseous.

I maintain that the belief of a given system isn't the main criteria by which to judge the system. The criteria is the outcomes. The Jonestown ended up in a shootout at an airport and 909 suicide murders an obvious outcome with any positives. Heavens gate ended in 60 suicides and no apparent positive outcomes. We can establish that Christianity has some mixed reviews but is accompanied by a myriad of positive outcomes.

This starts to crystallize my point to judge belief systems by their outcomes and not the veracity of their tenets, because almost no belief systems can be validated through scientific proofs. Things that are easily understood are mostly believed by everyone except some fringe elements and never have to rise to acts of faith accompanying most belief systems.

So we need to judge outcomes from systems because in most of the belief systems the actual veracity is constantly debated. Essentially doing the right things for the wrong reasons can have a good outcome, doing the wrong things for the right reasons does not.


So if I describe a Union as a group of individuals defining a process to guarantee equal outcomes from a human endeavor. This doesn't mean they don't want to compete. It means they don't want to compete individually. In some cases they may believe individual competition is less rewarding overall, in other cases they may just lack the initiative and drive to deal with additional complexities this brings, and just hand over that part of life skills to another. So there is a bargain, we will act as a collective, we will have a definition of performance and we will negotiate as a collective for compensation. The collective itself thrives from membership so there is no incentive to increase productivity and reduce membership. All of the pressures are on maintaining a status-quo thus a predictable outcome.

There are unionized systems where seniority effects compensation, mostly these are negotiated by management as a way to hire new workers at lower wages so that senior employees can be given raises. Essentially this is contrary to the union philosophy and not terribly prevalent except in last few years. Ford was one of the first major auto companies to implement a tiered salary among major unions. I followed the Ford example the next year and implemented a tiered system at the Company I worked at with 300 Union employees. This allowed us to increase wages of senior employees and save that money on new hires to finance the raise. Because we had a nucleus of 100 senior employees and a high turnover in the other 200, it saved the corporation a lot of money over a few years. This type of change can be negotiated because the "slighted" members are not yet part of the group. After 6-9 years it became harder because more members were receiving less than "senior" wages which took 3 years to reach and voting on contracts became more difficult.

These were warehouse employees and we had a quota of handling 650 cases a day. There were other warehouses in area doing 1250 and paid much more, so we tended to get the less energetic crowd to start with. Never the less, over 50% of the staff didn't meet quota and it was a constant contentious interface between Union and management to enforce even these moderate standards. New employees would come in and do a 1000 cases for a week or so before the Union explained they were taking someone Else's job away. For an individual trying to improve himself the only path was to move to a higher paying position such as fork lift driver. You couldn't promote the best workers, it was by seniority so often the worse workers moved up to more responsible jobs and did them just as badly. Your only real recourse was to get rid of workers during the first 90 days, before they got into the union, so initial turnover was high and there were very little second chances.

This was an example that worked, low productive workers, prodded by a committed supervisory staff as much as possible and compensated with low wages.

This takes a dedicated negotiating staff every 3 years or so, to keep wages in line with productivity. There are tremendous pressures to have wages increased in good years that take a knowledgeable and committed management staff to understand that the wages needed to match the value received and not the profit margins of the corporation. In reality, cost of living is the only real automatic increase that can be put on a bargaining table, unless value received increases in some way, work rule changes or something else tangible.

I have spent the time on discussing Unions because I have direct experience, our company was $150 million a year and I was Corporate IT manager. We had about 6 managers who did off and on duty during Union negotiations. During a couple of contracts I took a leadership roll.

I have a little different perception of Unions like Electrical and Plumbing, while they are just as rigid with work rules there is a little more justification for their existence because they do take an active role in assuring individuals are qualified and trained for the job. That control also guarantees them a lot of control on the job site and within their membership as well.

Example of Electrical Qualifications:

(c) Has completed a two-year electrical construction training program as described in RCW 19.28.191 for journeyman electricians, and two years (four thousand hours) of work experience in new industrial and/or new commercial electrical installations (excluding work described for specialty electricians or electrical technicians) under the direct supervision of a journeyman electrician while working for a general electrical contractor in the proper ratio, per RCW 19.28.161. See WAC 296-46B-971 for additional training school information.


The result of that discussion should be that we can agree that many belief systems and institutions in our society support and pursue uniformity as a "Holy Grail" it is really odd man out in that the individual who diverges from the norm Handles too many cases thus causing different outcomes is chastised.

Definition of Union means:
a. The act of uniting or the state of being united.
b. A combination so formed, especially an alliance or confederation of people, parties, or political entities for mutual interest or benefit.

But it often results in UNIFORMITY. In fact it glorifies and honors uniformity. If we look at organizations like SEIU and their purple shirts and ACORN and their orange shirts you can see this uniformity is accentuated in many ways. Once this "SAMENESS" is emphasized and defined it is easier to alienate the members to other groups.

For example, during union negotiations it was hard to deal with the Union representatives distrust and suspicions of management. It easily drifted into animosity and boisterous behavior. Even Union stewards who dealt with management all the time seemed to be able to keep a constant chip on their shoulders.

It is easy to see ACORN and groups like that are built on the Union model with THE MAN and the FAT CAT substituted for management. Particularly when you know Union organizers founded groups like ACORN. I'm not sure how much equal outcomes are part of the ACORN scenario but I would guess it is high on the talking points.

I don't know if the conflict with the man or management is a required part of Union philosophy, but if you want to control the workplace in order to create political change it becomes a useful technique to demonize the beliefs and those that believe them that contradict your goals.

Our warehouse manager made $80-90,000 a year and 4 or 5 supervisors made $40-50,000, the 300 warehouse employees made from $20,000 to $30,000. That is a huge discrepancy. Mostly a non skilled laborer making $450 a week can not be bluntly told he isn't worth more, he just doesn't have enough added value. It is easy for the Union to keep the members jinned up with false issues like the Union members do most of the work and the warehouse manager is just a clerk pushing around papers but gets paid 3-4 times more..

Excerpt from 1987 UAW contract with GM
Eligible employees cannot be laid off because of:
  • Introduction of new technology (such as robots)
  • Sourcing decisions
  • Company-implemented efficiency actions
  • Thus guaranteeing outcomes for workers at a very high cost to GM, It is work rules like this that cost the future of GM. Liberals like to say GM failed to modernize and keep up with the competition. Fact is there was no incentive for GM to modernize with contracts like that above. These contracts, negotiated by putting the companies under tremendous duress by selective strikes and pitting GM, FORD and CHRYSLER against each other had every thing to do with their failure.

    The next thing you hear is they built the wrong cars, while the facts are that the Toyotas and Nisans et al started to build Vans and Suv's to compete not vice versa. The reputation of shoddily built Detroit cars was a liability of a Union employee who distanced himself ftom the company's success and clove to UAW success.


    The major tent in all unions is seniority, seniority gets you first choice on job openings, either promotions or work calls at the union hall. Seniority also confirms a built in racism and carpet bagging. In Philadelphia they are building a new sports center with city money, but all the senior union member are white and in the suburbs so the population of Philly which is 50% black gets only a 5%-10% black working and most of the money leaves the city to Union members 50 plus miles outside. Outcome is institutionalized discrimination and carpetbagging. OH YOU THOUGHT UNIONS WERE HELPING MINORITIES? Forget it, that's why they invented ACORN to control that population as the unions were leaving the inner cities.

    Judging the outcomes of Unions is a mixed bag, the individuals seem to benefit in the short term but the union itself is destructive. Its is like the fruit poisoning the main plant. Evidence is unions due to their combined inherent power and political support and constant adversarial positions will overburden the companies, cities and states they deal with until these entities fail. I have no reason to believe otherwise. Unions are self destructive because they wield too much power and eventually and seemingly inevitably consume more wealth than they produce thus creating a drain on the system.

    The Opposite of Uniformity and Equal Outcomes
    Free Enterprise non union employees.

    One thing you don't have is Union Stewards. You don't have intermediates that determine most of what you do all day long. You don't have intermediates that will represent your gripes and complaints. You have to represent yourself. Negotiate your value and compensation. This can happen in a couple of ways. First you can choose a company and industry where you know the policies and conditions suit your needs and you can prepare yourself as best possible to win employment there. For example Computer Technology, then a more definitive skill, and maybe even a Corporation you would like to work for.

    As you increase your skills, you are either in an organization that aggressively rewards those skills and pursues excellence, or you need to learn to market and remarket yourself and negotiate for your compensation. This can be a continuous and unending process that requires you to hone your skills and except new challenges every day of your life.

    A couple of things happen in this environment that doesn't happen in the Uniform outcome environment often.

    1) You can over reach your peak level of competence in an area, for example given a management position over 10 people you find you can't cope with their issues and feel trapped in an unwanted advancement.

    2) You are technically and skillfully capable and excel your fellow workers but you lack the skills to negotiate for yourself and keep giving more value for the same compensation. In most environments this person would just leave if he had the skills to negotiate for himself, he would become an independent contractor or find other ways to fulfill his potential.

    What we can easily determine is this person in this system has a substantially different set of experiences than if he was in the Uniformity system. The Unequal outcomes system is chaotic and needs to be tamed and controlled by each individual experiences. The other thing is that you probably belong to no "WORK GROUP", you are independently responsible for yourself. You compete strictly for the value you can establish for your services.

    For example take a waitress where the majority of income is from tips. She utilizes charm, friendliness and attentiveness to get the most from her clients. When she realizes she has exceptional abilities to do what she does she moves to a higher class establishment and for the same effort serves $100 meals instead of $20 dollar meals thus increasing her income 500% for the same physical effort. I want to make it clear that this unequal outcomes system isn't limited to some elite class of citizens.

    Lets take an immigrant who maintains lawns for a landscape company, he learns a real skill in how and when to do what and can produce a great lawn for his clients, He leverages his competent and responsible skills by going into his own business and supervising 4 or 5 teams training them to do the job as well as he himself learned to. In this manner he moves up to a middle class income, where as by cutting lawns himself he could never do that. A person like this needs to negotiate prices, supervise workers and control the outcome of many aspects of his own life.

    I have a nephew in Oklahoma, he worked for a few years refinishing floors and installing new ones for an independent contractor. He finally felt he had been given enough broken and empty promises by his employer and wanted to try starting on his own. This would require an initial investment of around $10,000 for equipment. He approached me for advice more than anything. I said get a local banker and we will make some arrangements. He found a local banker who would work with small business so I deposited $10,000 in escrow to back up a line of credit for him. This is a young man of 24 at the time. He proceeded to build his business and in a few years was billing about $600,000 a year with 2 or 4 crews working and had doubled his take home pay. Now at 30 he is a successful and respected contractor employing 6-8 workers. This is an example where sometimes it takes just a little help for someone to get something off the ground. A few years later I got my escrow back with the interest and it cost me nothing to help my nephew get started. I took a small risk, but the lad was made of the right stuff and had a chance coming. For a while he would call me up and discuss situations. My advice was always pretty simple, always keep your integrity and give as much if not more than you get in every deal.

    Another thing that is MISSING from the variable outcome system is the CONTROLLERS, those who are committed to defining the outcomes and systems that guarantee outcomes. Here the equivalent of controllers would be numerous regulations and responsibilities of running a business.

    Another thing that happens in a Uniform outcome system is that people leave. Maybe a worker starts his own business and leaves the Union. Maybe they go to a different job that isn't in the Union. This means that the Controllers have less than perfect control. The most important thing for them is membership, and all of the opportunities presented from the other system generating undetermined outcomes represents a lost opportunity for a union member.

    The Problem Is

    We probably need both systems. But the problem is the system allowing for controlled outcomes is aggressively committed to attacking the system of unequal opportunities and the employers. There is no sense of joint destiny. Unions need to restrain themselves they cannot consume all of our wealth.

    Just last couple of months, at the height of our rescession Mercury Marine in southern Wisconsin made a final offer and threatened to move to Arkansas, The offer was marginal but they guaranteed to keep the plant open for 4 years. There were, I believe 2000 jobs at stake, but estimates were that other fallout with suppliers and other support obs would cost the state 10, 000 jobs. the Union told their employees it was a bluff and reccommended they vote it down. They Did and Outboard Marine announced they were closing the plant. The rank and file rebelled, organized against the Union and petitioned Outboard to allow another vote. Outboard seemed reluctant but finally agreed and the Union accepted the contract.

    I believe there are a lot of citizens that should receive a decent wage for tasks such as picking up garbage or driving buses and teaching. However these compensations need to represent some standard versus the value supplied. The value cant be some philosophical nonsense like well nothing is as important as teaching your first graders, the value needs to be established based on the rarity of that skill in the society. Not picking up garbage can cause filth and disease and given a plague may be the most important thing on some matrix, but the skill is marginal and payment should be based on the skill level. High paying low-skill jobs just keep citizens in under performing roles and deprives society of their possible more valuable contributions.

    The system of unequal outcomes which we christen as the free enterprise system does try to control some of the Uniformity seekers to keep the outcomes within the Free Enterprise system's definition of happiness. However, all in all, the free enterprise system is in a defensive posture not an aggressive one towards the equal outcome promoters.


    Just like NATO and other alliance the power in our society is distributed among a number of groups. One citizen could be a member of multiple groups.

    A) Liberals pro uniform outcomes
    B) Conservatives pro un-uniform outcomes
    C) Uncommitted Independents
    D) Black Caucus
    E) Unions
    F) Christian
    G) Non Black Minorities
    H) Pro Life
    I) Pro Choice

    I am not comfortable that Black Caucus and Abortion are major political issues on the National scene but the reality is that it is so.

    Currently the alliance between Liberal and Unions and the Black Caucus and parts of the independents has created a political majority, in essence these people are going to promote equal outcomes for the entire population. That is their fondest dream. I call it communism. I have no other word for it.


    Not all citizens need be required to accept either system as a inherent part of their lives. A fluid society where one can chose either system that suits them at the time fits the free enterprise system. In fact we probably need a third system which caters to those who cant meet the demands of the equal outcomes system of providing simple skills for a living wage. This is the so called safety net. A safety net that doesn't include the assumption you can at least progress to exchanging simple skills for a living wage is dehumanizing and unacceptable.

    Self Sufficient WORK FARM/RANCH

    A detailed discussion of the safety net problem is warranted, I am somewhat in favor of volunteer farms and ranches where a community provides it's own livelihood through it's own efforts. Flow from and to these establishments should be free and easy, Someone who just needs to simplify their life for a year or two could have a way to move himself and family to an environment where a simple 8 hours of honest effort would provide for their well being.

    You might say we would need 20 million people in work farms. Not really so. Each person removed from the "Rat Race" reduces competition for other jobs, so there is an exponential impact. There is a potential need for a few million, this will create a different kind of economy for them, mostly we would want them to produce their own food and clothing. I visualize something like the Amish model without adherence to a non-modern philosophy. Some craft and other items including perhaps limited organic crops could be produced to be a cash crop to allow purchases of items produced outside of the commune. We don't want to produce a subsidized competition for other workers.

    In these communities health care and energy might be provided free, but if designed correctly private transportation and other expensive trappings might be disallowed. Certain conditions would have to be agreed to, no drugs, controlled alcohol usage, no firearms. Communities would supply their own childcare and lower grades education.


    Basically this remains unchanged but needs to change it's goals to embrace those who make that choice. Their is no reason that a Union needs every employee in a corporation before it can represent a member in wage negotiations. There is no reason a union cant represent an employee in a negotiation with an HR department, a employee should be entitled to representation if he feels inadequate in negotiating his own salary and benefits.

    This may not be a union function but it is a needed service in the unequal outcomes community. An agency public or private who can make judgments to equivalencies and establish a skill based value for an employee could be a useful entity. Today this takes place when a person decides to change jobs, it should be a process available to the employee. Some enlightened employers do provide assistance in helping employees transverse skill levels and negotiate for themselves.

    However the aggressive demonizing of corporations and unequal outcomes should be toned down. We must make it clear that our society will not except equal outcomes be forced upon everyone. We must also establish methodology that allows unions to be voted away. It should always be a choice and never imposed on anyone. Health Care workers in California tried to bring in a new union and were terrorized by SEIU. This cant happen in a free society.

    If unions are engaged in an unending spiral of higher wages for the same work they have an overall negative outcome of destroying wealth and jobs.

    federal labor board decision this week has given a major victory to a breakaway union vying with the giant Service Employees International Union to represent tens of thousands of California healthcare workers. On Tuesday, the National Labor Relations Board called for elections to determine who has the right to represent some 2,300 Kaiser healthcare workers employed at various sites in Southern California. An SEIU affiliate currently represents the workers, but the breakaway group filed a petition in February challenging the SEIU. The balloting, likely to be held in January, will give employees a chance to choose between the two unions. WHOLE STORY


    As I review my life, 2 years in Army, 10 in private industry, 25 independent consultant, 10 in private industry, I believe a lot of it was too hard, too stressful and in some ways devastating. Much of it was unneeded stress, A small amount of preparation for the chaotic world of free enterprise could have gone a long way in easing the stress.

    A kinder more gentle government would have made my 25 years of running my own business much easier.

    Almost everything I have done with government agencies has been needlessly aggravating. Mostly it is I the citizen is the enemy and they are haughty and overbearing. Even the last possible transaction, I found $130 the government owed me from an overpayment to one of my corporations by searching the Internet. I sent photo copies of those tax returns and complete information with two signatures of officers notarized by my bank to certify my identification. After repeated incoherent form letters from them I gave up as too painful.

    Instead of teaching our college attendees the glorious merits of equal outcomes for the average citizens , why cant we teach and educate citizens how to succeed in a free enterprise system. Then we need to modify our governments from the local neighborhood to the federal to be kinder to and to embrace free enterprise, not make it impossible to do business. Probably every start up business in this country is forced to break some law or another to exist. In the very least if at all possible they will hide money from the tax collector.

    We need to be educated in how to make the free enterprise system work. How to develop expertise, market that expertise, build a reputation, start a consulting business and how this works in almost all endeavors from computer technology, auto repair, and machine parts. Valuable skills and expertise can be leveraged exceeding by many magnitudes what can be achieved by equal outcome systems.

    Many of us follow these paths by trial and error, it doesn't need to be that chaotic.

    If we want to run a free enterprise system we need to start learning just what that takes.

    Failure needs to be less dramatic, a fallback option to retreat to a work commune would give that overall sense of well being that can remove the worse of the stress. It may also be true that it will cause some lessening of effort as well, but effort that results in illness and unbearable stress may not be a positive outcome either.


    Supporting a free enterprise system takes a lot more education preparation and effort than we have been putting into it. We educate our generations in communism but not capitalism and how to make it work. We also need to recognize that competing in a free enterprise system can be a demanding stressful experience and isn't suitable for everyone and we must provide enough alternatives to give a close fit for all members of our society to be successful.

    And perhaps we should spend less time analyzing belief systems and more time evaluating results and outcomes. This is particularly true in education. We seem to enthralled in educational systems while results and outcomes deteriorate at an alarming rate.

    Perhaps some combination of systems for our society and human endeavors is a dynamic approach that works. But if you don't have a free enterprise system as a large part you will not create innovation or add new wealth.

    Saturday, December 19, 2009

    One Theory is...Progressives will now attempt to take control of our economy in order to hide their failures.

    Detroit Michigan

    Progressives will now attempt to take control of our economy in order to hide their failures.

    Lets be clear Obama, Pelosi, Reid, are communists by any definition you wish to use.

    • a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership
    • a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society

    They want government ownership and control of everything.
    They have contempt for our founding concepts and constitution.
    They are enemies of the majority of the USA citizens.
    Their meanness is endemic to a communist movement.
    The people they now control the most are the worse off in this country.
    Their entitlement society has failed and the only way they can survive their failures
    is to hide Detroit Michigan and California and other Strongholds that will fail SOON
    is to make some dramatic changes that give them a means to control the wealth so
    these failures can be subsidized by the rest of us.

    This is a last ditch effort to salvage a failed governance philosophy.
    Without a transformation the nation would have to face up to their failures
    and they would be hat in hand begging the rest of us for help.


    The progressives over the last 30 years have infiltrated our schools and now the abject failure of most of their schools can no longer be ignored. They have fallen into dismal disarray in most large cities where progressives rule. This mostly happens because of Union rule, most considerations go to pensions and Union benefits. Public employee Union benefits and retiree benefits are bankrupting communities. One of the items is health care entitlements, that is why this frenetic attempt to bury the problem in national legislature. It is a public Union bailout, without which these outlandish contracts would be exposed to the public. That is why vouchers CAN'T happen in the progressive world. Less money, Union layoffs, pension fund collapse and worse. The preoccupation with Unions have destroyed the work ethic and children are now educated to support the system not to have individual exceptional-ism. The inherent meanness and immorality of a communist doctrine has infiltrated our schools with immoral filth and unacceptable violence. Maybe the average teacher doesn't think of the MOVEMENT as communist, but their allegiance is to the Union not the school or the children.


    Progressives have commandeered the black vote and cities with large black populations have been governed by them for 30 years. The cities in blue states have been governed by progressives for many years. One notable exception was NYC during Guilani years, which saw an upbeat in most of NYC metrics. These cities have built up public payrolls to the breaking point enriched their Unions , expanded entitlements and services to their voting base and Taxed citizens to the braking point. Cities like Chicago with sales tax at 10.5% have no where to go. Once you have an economic turn down they are handcuffed. They then start raising sin taxes and fees, but everything has an end. Citizens finally vote with their feet and leave the city.

    Chicago demographics, for example:

    The distribution of racial/ethnic groups within the three areas shifted during the decade as a result of these trends. Blacks (37%) were the largest group in Chicago in 2000, followed by whites (32%) and Hispanics (26%). The other group (largely Asian) and the new "two or more races" category represented much more modest proportions of the city population. Suburban Cook County remains nearly 68% white, despite a 10% decline in the 1990s. The outer suburbs are approximately 78% white.

    These demographics guarantee you a high need for services and a progressive government forever. With the establishment in charge of schools and every other service the citizens will never wake up to the fact that the government is their real problem. That is until the government fails to supply the services it has promised. Chicago is close to that point. Detroit crossed that line years ago and their population is 50% of what it was in 1960s.

    2000 Census Detroit

    White 116,599 12.26%
    Black or African American 775,772 81.55%

    As a city that has been under bankruptcy watch for quite some time now, denizens of Detroit were hardly shocked when news broke that their once glorious city currently embroiled in fiscal crisis is on the cusp of becoming a city entrenched in a battle for jobs.

    Official records show that the Motor City has an unemployment rate of a little less than 30%, but local officials have are toting a more gloomy figure, saying that the actual unemployment figure puts jobless rates around 50%!

    So the progressive philosophies are very near to being exposed as total failures as governing tenets. Their only hope to avoid exacting scrutiny is to transform the country into a communist economy NOW. I have tried to discuss Detroit with liberals and they are in constant denial. They have no idea what Unions or Politics have to do with Detroit's failure.

    Chicago is close behind. Chicago survives a little longer because they are more diversified than Detroit. Liberals won't claim any responsibility for Detroit's failure, even though companies without Union burdens are doing well. They point to Detroit not building good cars and modernizing, well Union work rules made that almost impossible. It wasn't just money, work rules permeate every decision. Adding modernization didn't mean you could eliminate workers. Chicago hasn't yet experienced a population decline like Detroit.

    Harry C. Alford, The president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce told Fox that the Unions in Philadelphia were carpet bagging workers from 60 miles away to get jobs building a new stadium in Philadelphia, 50% of Philadelphia is black. Only 5-10% of the jobs are held by blacks. This is a project paid for by the city and the money leaves the city because the fat cat Union workers will no longer live in Philly and the city doesn't have the moxie or intelligence to demand city labor be used because the Unions control much of the politics. The politicians won't take on the Unions. So here is an example of how Unions help bleed cities of their wealth and practice an institutionalized racism. Philadelphia unemployment rate is 10% or more.


    Progressive tax and spend and obvious anti business ideologies do not create prosperous communities. Actually they have taken prosperous communities and driven them to despair. There are now numerous communities some as California large economies, California if an independent state would have been the 10th largest economy in the world in 2007. Essentially without a huge tax burden on their citizens or a national bail out California is bankrupt. They have seen a recent vote with your feet exit from California which dilutes the tax base even further. In the last year California has lost 1 million citizens.

    Progressives will now attempt to take control of our economy in order to hide their failures.

    Thursday, December 17, 2009

    The Dever Conspiracy


    It was a quiet morning, 2001, September 11.

    Jerald Dever was working quietly at his computer, occasionally glancing out of his window from the 50th floor. He was a statistician for a large financial office. He had been crunching some mortgage stats for over a week. Home values, size of mortgages and refinancing and line of credits in 15 large metropolitan areas.

    Jerald's task was to develop a trend average and evaluation and project home values and mortgage instruments for the country and trends for the next few years. Jerald had been doing data analysis for over 20 years and was good at it. Mortgage trends were new to Jerald but his attitude had always been a number was a number and he never met a data set he didn't like. But these numbers were somewhat disturbing.

    Jerald leaned over and hit the intercom, “Dan come in here world you?” A moment later Dan appeared, Jerald looked and glimpsed a wispy cloud on the horizon.

    “Whazup?” Dan growled as he came into the room.

    “Look at this plot”.

    “OK, nice plot Jer.”

    “Comon, I'll explain”

    “Yeah, I'd bet on that.... and explain, and explain...maybe coffee first?”

    “Take a look, then coffee, we can discuss it over coffee..”

    “Jer OK, your rules, you buy”

    “What we have here is data on mortgages, second mortgages, line of credit, home values and reverse mortgages for 15 major cities.”

    “Yeah..nice plot, kind of regular guess that validates the data huh?”

    “I've researched as much as I can, there is no evidence that this has ever happened before, I have about 50years of data and the last 10 show me this plot the previous 10 looks like this...”

    Jerry Reached out an clicked on an ICON...

    Dan reacted “Wow that's DIFFERENT, isn't it...?”

    “My best guess is that this has never happened before, can't happen now, and is a Michio Kaku moment...

    “Parallel Universes or Black Hole...?

    “No more like DNA, eugenics, we have an exact clone in each city...” Jerald mused.

    “a Margaret Sanger moment...?” quipped Dan “Maybe more standardized banking practices..?”

    “Dosn't explain the market values increasing in such regular manner, or why the refinancing and low equity is so similar in 15 cities..” Said Jerald. “A large segment of home owners seem to be relying on the increase in property values as income, maybe to pay the mortgage...

    "Jer, that can't go on forever, its doomed to CRASH big...

    "EXACTLY" mumbled Jerald.

    “Jer is this data on all property, high, low income, commercial,,?” Asked Dan.

    “No only lower and median residential properties... this was a study commissioned by HUD...

    “Well it doesn't matter what you give HUD, they wont understand it anyway..”

    “Dan this is SERIOUS, something is manipulating these markets, there is no way this happens without a master plan... I'm E-mailing this to George Cardwell at NHERI[1] maybe he has some interpretation..

    “Jer pal, I am SERIOUS, I just need some coffee. What kind of organization could manipulate or control mortgages, home values and your whole matrix across the whole country?”

    “I dot know yet, OK, I sent the George the charts, we'll buzz him when we come back from coffee..

    As Jerald and Dan left the office, thru the window you could see a jet airliner clear a wispy cloud and grow larger and larger until...

    Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:45 AM

    [1] National Home Education Research Institute

    Friday, March 18, 2005 8:45 AM


    Friday, March 18, 2005 8:45 AM

    "OK, OK, turn that thing off." Said the swarthy man at the head of the conference table. It was a huge room without any windows, A large screen descended from the ceiling and started to be withdrawn when the projector was turned off. There were six people at the table.

    "Well Congresswoman we survived 2004 because the republicans weren't committed, you know the president keeps bringing this up and McCain is starting to chew on it." Everyone reacted when the word congresswoman was uttered, shaking heads and admonishing the speaker with fingers placed over their lips.

    "We'll keep it under control" said the dark woman speaking from the shadows.

    "Ha Huh?" Scowled another.

    "Nah she is correct, we can always squelch this thing, even if a vote gets to the floor, we'll pump up the racism angle. There is a lot of the opposition very leery of being stigmatized as racist."

    It was a big room, soundproofed and armed with surveillance and electronic detectors, still they never spoke each others names or mentioned any places that might identify themselves to any eavesdropping devices.

    The Swarthy man spoke again, "Everyone understands that Fannie and Freddie are essential components to our plan. This can't happen without a huge effort to soak up all this paper, the community organization will have to push on them to open up even more, relax lending even more, here... our guys prepared a speech, the affordable housing manifesto they call it.... give this on the floor and you'll have them all wee weed up for more mortgages."

    "The community people can come up with as many buyers as we can plow thru. Were starting to utilize the illegal aliens, that's potentially another 3 million. We've solved any problem with property shortages, there are projects going on now in Chicago and L.A. and other cities to build affordable housing. In Detroit they are working on a plan to sell the same property multiple times..."

    "Whoa sell the same property multiple times? Isn't that opening up an avenue of unnecessary risk?"

    "We need to have approximately 10 million sub standard mortgages, we need them below water and we need to pull the plug in every major city simultaneously. It won't matter what anyone figures out after the fact. The financial markets will be DOWN and there will be nobody to call us out.

    "We are getting a unanticipated bonus as well, while we are forcing feeding Affordable housing through our exercise" He creaked his fingers of both hands in a familiar quote quote gesture when he said the word fordable. "the more conventional folks are refinancing as their values go up, we are actually driving up values across a large range of price points we hadn't anticipated. The key to this THING of ours " Again his figers flailed the quote signs in the air at the word THING. "is refinancing, or flipping, there has to be no equity behind this paper when we pull the plug"

    Who Should Lead

    You need to decide what the country should be. Should we follow the traditions of our forefathers who saw a country with unending resources and opportunities that could provide the foundation of a new IDEAL. Life, liberty and Pursuit of happiness. This is an endorsement of the individual. Or do we endorse the collective, that diminishes the individual and encourages equal outcomes and distribution of wealth not based on individual achievements, Our decision will dictate the leaders we choose for our country in the future. Do not expect Academics and attorneys and men who choose to debate and lecture rather than build and create to lead a nation of exuberant free men.

    If you choose an academic seeped in progressive theories and exposed to communist professors and elitist concepts, you will find the real simplicity of freedom escapes them. There are too few rules and too little control. Why God anything could happen!!
    I think we can listen to some of the founders and take some of that wisdom forward with us.

    George Washington

    To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.
    George Washington: First Annual Address, to both Houses of Congress (8 January 1790).

    Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally.... The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it. George Washington Farewell Address (1796)

    If this nation expects to be ignorant and free it expects what never was and what will never be. George Washington

    Thomas Jefferson

    We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.

    Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.

    Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.

    Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.

    I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion.

    I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others.

    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

    I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.

    If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour?

    My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.

    No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.

    One man with courage is a majority.

    Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.

    The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

    John Adams

    Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases.

    I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.

    Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

    Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak.

    Property is surely a right of mankind as real as liberty.

    I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.

    In Republics, the great danger is, that the majority may not sufficiently respect the rights of the minority.

    It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.

    The capacity of the female mind for studies of the highest order cannot be doubted, having been sufficiently illustrated by its works of genius, of erudition, and of science.

    The happy Union of these States is a wonder; their Constitution a miracle; their example the hope of Liberty throughout the world.

    The personal right to acquire property, which is a natural right, gives to property, when acquired, a right to protection, as a social right.

    Whenever a youth is ascertained to possess talents meriting an education which his parents cannot afford, he should be carried forward at the public expense.

    President confuses us again

    PLEASE NOTE BOTH CHARTS FROM Bureau of Labor statistics,

    ...look at the year-on-year increases from roughly 1980 to date. Healthcare is increasing in cost at roughly the rate of inflation. The problem is that practically everything else has seen its costs battered down by overseas competition. All it takes is a steady rate of increase and by the magic of compounding costs become unsustainably high.

    The president stressed that failure to act on health care would be dire. If Congress does not pass legislation that will bring down the spiraling costs of health care, the federal government "will go bankrupt," Obama told Gibson.

    OBAMA: "If we don't pass it, here's the guarantee: ... Your premiums will go up, your employers are going to load up more costs on you," he said. "Potentially, they're going to drop your coverage, because they just can't afford an increase of 25 percent, 30 percent in terms of the costs of providing health care to employees each and every year."

    Mr President where is your backup, did you mispeak again?
    Or just more Chicago Trash Talk.?

    Wednesday, December 16, 2009

    Our President moves terrorists 22 miles from Nuclear Plant

    It might be of some interest to the Citizens that Thompson Correctional Facilities where Obama and crew is going to send 225 terrorists is in the center of probably the densest nest of Nuclear plants in the USA, probably the world.

    Quad Cities 22 miles.
    Byron 58 miles
    Dresden 153 miles

    It is also convenient to note how easily one can find free maps on Google Earth to locate everything and get some good fly over views.

    Tuesday, December 8, 2009

    SARAH PALIN Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 3:21am


    Inspired by an article by Robin of Berkeley “THE WILDING OF SARAH PALIN” in American Thinker

    Sarah Palin
    Fighting Style: Rope A Dope
    Tactics: Dance like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee

    Sarah, keep your Grace and style and good back woods charm. I am more and more convinced that you can lead us. One moment of caution, don't disappoint us. All that is past will be forgiven, but if you choose to lead us then you belong to us you must be who we want you to be, no matter who you were.

    I think our current task is to stay visible enough to present a target so the attack dogs can keep howling. If we dance and stay light on our feet they wont make any death blows and will wear themselves out with meaningless punches. It is interesting that they can't stop and go farther and farther out on a limb trying to land the death blow.

    You are one of our women, the howling hoards rape our women and throw them back into our campsite to intimidate our tribe and subject you to rejection by your own as damaged. This is the pathology of a

    David Letterman and his ilk. The pagan hoards practicing an ancient act of disrespect and brutalization in order to terrorize the citizens into submission. When we see their cruelty we are supposed to cringe in fear. When we see you are used and abused we are supposed to relegate you to servant class and not allow you dignity and respect. They believe they can injure you in our eyes and cause us to reject you, to be repelled by your disfigurement.

    We crouch amongst our camp fires listening to the banshees howling over the hills. We see flitting shadows and hear screams of terror as they rip flesh off the bones of defenseless adversaries. We can hear their guffaws of joy as they relish the pain and suffering they cause. We clean our tools and cinch our girths as we prepare for the encounter. Our ranks grow as the righteousness of our cause attracts good citizens and as we prepare to commit our lives and sacred honor to the task of regaining our country and wrestling it from the hands of the Failed.

    We beseech God for his guidance and his wisdom. We lay no claim to Saint Hood. We struggle among the affairs of men for a better solution. a moral solution. A nation under God, doing God's will. Whether yours is the God of Abraham or yours is a different belief if you can pledge to these few rules then join us with Sarah.

    Sarah or Sara was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac as described in the Hebrew Bible and the Quran. Her name was originally Sarai. According to Genesis 17:15 she changed her name to Sarah as part of a covenant with Yahweh after Hagar bore Abraham his first born son Ishmael.

    The Hebrew name Sarah indicates a woman of high rank and is sometimes translated as "princess".

    Monday, November 30, 2009

    Obama is the worse possible president

    Obama is the worse possible president

    1) He doubts USA right to lead the world, but not his

    2) He is ashamed of our success, but not his own

    3) He thinks the constitution is seriously flawed, but he took an oath to defend it

    4) He believes in wealth redistribution. but not charitable donations which he would tax

    5) He is to...tally confused about religion and faith, Says we are not a Christian nation, and are a large Islamic nation.

    6) He doesn't love us, he calls us "THEM" and "THOSE PEOPLE"

    7) He dosnt understand OR LIKE capitalism as he buys auto companies, cash for clunkers and other idiot moves.

    8) He accuses "RICH" of not doing their share, yet Warren Buffet, George Soros and Bill Gates have $100 billion between them, he isn't asking for that money.

    9) He isn't all that concerned with the truth

    10) He has no internal convictions and waffles on almost everything including FOX news.

    Thursday, November 26, 2009

    Cognitive Dissonance or Group Think: how to understand GROUP THINK and WIN with that knowledge

    As a member of the Conservative group I want my group to succeed, this means working hard to understand what groups are and trying to have that knowledge work for my group to make the Sarah Palin doctrine a reality.


    cognitive dissonance

    I'm dropping this in here because it is the liberal most popular way to explain your failing to believe the CORRECT things. I hate the progressive tactic of coming up with some bleak term for your group and explaining why you can believe what they think is unbelievable. So Jonesville and Heaven's gate and CONSERVATISM is explained with this term cognitive dissonance -- therapy jargon for not wanting to see what I didn't want to see. They needed this explanation because they had a hard time explaining away smart conservatives. Mostly they will convince you there are not too many smart conservatives. But if you come up with one like Chaney or Newt Gingrich they need a way to explain it. they have cognitive dissonance to explain this, smart conservatives just don't process all the facts. They selectively eliminate any contrarian beliefs, thus they are still smart but don't use all the facts. This probably happens without their conscious intervention.

    This is a flaw in their DNA, Or has something to do with watching FOX news which carefully edits what you are allowed to hear.

    Bush is stupid, (but he flew a jet and had better grades than John Kerry), Palin is stupid (but she ran a town and a state.)

    First we are accused of being stupid and if those simple accusations of STUPID don't work , meaning the citizens don't buy it, then they play the cognitive dissonance, and walk away with a big win. IN THEIR MIND.

    It is more or less agreed that these are the eight aspects of GROUP THINK

    1. Illusion of invulnerability –Creates excessive optimism that encourages taking extreme risks.

    2. Collective rationalization – Members discount warnings and do not reconsider their assumptions.

    3. Belief in inherent morality – Members believe in the rightness of their cause and therefore
    ignore the ethical or moral consequences of their decisions.

    4. Stereotyped views of out-groups – Negative views of “enemy” make effective responses to
    conflict seem unnecessary.

    5. Direct pressure on dissenters – Members are under pressure not to express arguments
    against any of the group’s views.

    6. Self-censorship – Doubts and deviations from the perceived group consensus are not expressed.

    7. Illusion of unanimity – The majority view and judgments are assumed to be unanimous.

    8. Self-appointed ‘mindguards’ – Members protect the group and the leader from information
    that is problematic or contradictory to the group’s cohesiveness, view, and/or decisions.

    (Sound like Climate Research Unit at

    There is one point not made here, I might add
    9) Often ridicule and persecute members of other groups.

    Which isn't in the Psychologist list of 8 aspects.

    If you apply this to Heavens Gate, Jonesville, Nazism or other GROUP THINK large or small you will see this is a pretty accurate depiction of those human endeavors which I refer to as GROUPING. Grouping is evident in all kinds of mans experiences as juvenile as to whether you prefer Pepsi or Coke or as profound as whether you are Capitalists or Communists. Obviously, there is the ability to join numerous groups over many venues. It would be schizophrenic to be both a Capitalist and a communist so these human beings don't exist mostly.

    Now a Pepsi groupie may not persecute a Coke groupie but he will be confused and frustrated why the Code guy doesn't "GET" it. So obviously groupings have different levels of importance to the groupies. But it escalates to life and death struggle pretty easily such as soccer game riots.

    Need I mention Islamic radicals?

    The interesting point would be that it doesn't seem to matter how accurate or how momentous the beliefs are. The intensity is more a matter of the enthusiasm of the groupies. This might be because of some charismatic leader or of some cascading of grouping. For example, A Chicago, Illinois White Sox baseball fan has groups of Favorite sport, home state, and City all reinforcing the other.

    Conservatives need to understand that the elitists with Harvard educations and equivalencies do belong to a group that know you are not capable of making your own decisions, and certainly not decisions effecting the country. They will say things like "people should have to be educated before they can vote". They have absolutely no understanding that your vote can legitimately be cast in your own self interest. They have a concept that they belong to a group that is dedicated to a greater cause than self interest.

    If you run conservation, global warming, socialism and communism through the test of the 8 aspects of "group think" you will see that they meet all the criteria as well as cognitive dissonance. It is especially true of the Higher Moral standing and other egocentric attributes of these groups.


    The only useful strategy is to ignore DIRECT debate as a useful tactic, cognitive dissonance makes that non feasible, no one will change their mind and we do not have time to deprogram 23 million progressives and rehabilitate them. One on one debate is a time losing proposition, you can see that on news programs where everyone "shouts out" their "talking points", I never see anyone say "Yeah I didn't think of that your right!". The best way is to actually discredit what an opposing group believes in. Take the Global Warmist groupies for example. You have a few leaders and millions of followers. If you can discredit the leaders you will chunk off a lot of followers, after all winning is an important part of the grouping psychology, and if you are raising the chances of failure you will start seeing the groupies drop off.

    So along comes the Climate Research Unit of Anglia hack. A dozen or so Scientists are brought up for scrutiny. Did they control peer review to suppress dissenting opinions. Did they falsify or hide data. Did they conspire to change data and "trick" programs? Maybe they did and maybe they didn't. The point is that they are discredited in some people minds, and people who were in the group might see it sinking and resign membership.

    The truth of the emails doesn't necessarily determine the impact, it's the believability, That's why we start to see all sorts of fabrications and lies, because even tho we may be subject to cognitive dissonance there may be an opportunity to pick off some group members with stories of corruption, sexual misconduct, animal cruelty and so on because these resonate with individuals more than their group affiliations. I would caution conservatives that dirty tricks is not a good way to build an enduring group, and I do not recommend it.

    It would be like finding an original Quran that said love the infidels as you love God. The people who really had to hate infidels would need a new group, at the least we would have a schism. A Schism is a good thing for the opposing group because it cuts the size of the opposing groups. More often than not, especially in a representative democracy a larger group is a more powerful group. Resolutely preaching tenets to those who haven't yet chosen a group is an effective way to grow your group, there is no better forum than schools to do this. Ask Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro. Another effective means to shrink the opposing group is to kill them Ask Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro.

    So am I really going to propose a solution or am I going to just keep rambling on?


    "Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, 'You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, You shall not covet,' and if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law" (Romans 13:8-10).

    " 'My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.'

    – (Luke 15:31-32, NIV)

    Can you love a liberal or progressive? Probably not, but you can want to love them as a Christian "We want to love you, return to the fold". This is easily mumbled quickly into "We love you, return to the fold".

    The Rise of Christianity

    by Rodney Stark - published by Princeton University Press, 1996

    "Christianity recognized women as equal to men, children of God with the same supernatural destiny. Moreover the Christian moral code of prohibition against polygamy, divorce, birth control, abortion, infanticide, etc. contributed to the well-being of women, changing their status from powerless serfs in bondage to men, to women with dignity and rights in both the Church and the State.

    Why did Christianity grow then? According to Stark, "It grew because Christians constituted an intense community, able to generate the 'invincible obstinacy' that so offended the younger Pliny but yielded immense religious rewards. And the primary means of its growth was through the united and motivated efforts of the growing numbers of Christian believers, who invited their friends, relatives, and neighbors to share the 'good news'." At the heart of this willingness to share one's faith was doctrine, that which was to be believed. "Central doctrines of Christianity prompted and sustained attractive, liberating, and effective social relations and organization." The chief doctrine, of course, which was radically new to a pagan world groaning under a host of miseries and saturated with capricious cruelty and the vicarious love of death, was that "because God loves humanity, Christians may not please God unless they love one another."
    To build a post-millennial "civilization of love and truth," it would seem imperative that we continue to study how it was done, or begun, the first time around by our "role models", the first Christians, with such splendid results.

    So am I proposing a religious movement? No not at all. I am presenting to you one of the most successful and self expanding groups of all time. I gave a small glimpse of why it was successful. I tell you with certainty that this movement about Dignity of spirit and man himself, about love and self love, individual freedoms and rights are spelled out in glorious simplicity above left in the five commandments for man. This is a blue print for a thriving rational society. A "as good as it gets" social engineering model. The five commandments about MAN loves MAN.

    I believe the five commandments about God are optional. But to have a reasonable functioning society the law is based on the five commandments for man it always has been. We are whittling away till we think adultery is maybe enough fun that it is OK. But maybe the evidence in our world of our crumbling societies should get us to re-think the whittling away. I don't see things improving.

    I think they, liberals and progressives ridicule our God, challenge us to prove the unprovable, say we dis avow science, use that as a leverage to abuse our intelligence. And I am saying to you, my relationship with God can be a private thing, and should be of no concern to them.

    We need not explain the five commandments of MAN, they are self evident.

    FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'
    SIX: 'You shall not murder.'
    SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'
    EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'
    NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'
    TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'

    1) Respect our senior citizens
    2) Respect life
    3) Respect Family values
    4) Do not take another's property
    5) Respect the rights of others, including their reputation

    These are 4000 year old principles established before Christianity.

    It could well serve us again to explain our conservative beliefs and our belief we can not protect our freedoms without a moral people and a moral body of representation.
    John Adams in a speech to the military in 1798 warned his fellow countrymen stating, "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams is a signer of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and our second President.

    Benjamin Rush, Signer of the Declaration of Independence said. "[T]he only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be aid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments. Without religion, I believe that learning does real mischief to the morals and principles of mankind."

    Noah Webster, author of the first American Speller and the first Dictionary said, "[T]he Christian religion, in its purity, is the basis, or rather the source of all genuine freedom in government. . . . and I am persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable in which the principles of that religion have not a controlling influence."

    Gouverneur Morris, Penman and Signer of the Constitution. "[F]or avoiding the extremes of despotism or anarchy . . . the only ground of hope must be on the morals of the people. I believe that religion is the only solid base of morals and that morals are the only possible support of free governments. [T]herefore education should teach the precepts of religion and the duties of man towards God."

    Fisher Ames author of the final wording for the First Amendment wrote, "[Why] should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school book? Its morals are pure, its examples captivating and noble. The reverence for the Sacred Book that is thus early impressed lasts long; and probably if not impressed in infancy, never takes firm hold of the mind."

    John Jay, Original Chief-Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court , "The Bible is the best of all books, for it is the word of God and teaches us the way to be happy in this world and in the next. Continue therefore to read it and to regulate your life by its precepts."

    James Wilson, Signer of the Constitution; U. S. Supreme Court Justice, "Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is divine. . . . Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into each other."

    Noah Webster, author of the first American Speller and the first Dictionary stated, "The moral principles and precepts contained in the scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. . . All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible."

    Robert Winthrop, Speaker of the U. S. House, "Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled either by a power within them or by a power without them; either by the Word of God or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible or by the bayonet."

    George Washington, General of the Revolutionary Army, president of the Constitutional Convention, First President of the United States of America, Father of our nation, " Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society."

    Benjamin Franklin, Signer of the Declaration of Independence "[O]nly a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."

    "Whereas true religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happiness . . . it is hereby earnestly recommended to the several States to take the most effectual measures for the encouragement thereof." Continental Congress, 1778
    There Is No Freedom Without Moral Responsibility


    Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad
    The chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations answers questions from the 'Literaturnaya gazeta' weekly, November 2-8, 2005
    From The Times
    June 26, 2009
    Credo: Without a shared moral code there can be no freedom in our society
    When it comes to personal behaviour we have now come to believe that there is no right and wrong. Instead, there are choices.
    Jonathan Sacks

    Tuesday, November 24, 2009

    Another Look at the Psychology of Our Politics

    Another Look at the Psychology of Our Politics
    By: Dominic J. Melfi

    "WE WIN, THEY LOSE." ` Sarah Palin

    A plan for WE WIN

    Earlier we discussed the Grouping aspect of our nature. This discussion uses the facts from that to make a further jump. The Demoralization of some 30 million Americans.

    I am often bent to wonder about the vehemence and acidity in the rhetoric in our politics. At the leadership Level, Pelosi calls us Astroturfers, a perceived insult that indicates we are less than blue blooded honest Citizens.

    Harry Reid says we are Evil Mongers. Obama stops his mopping to call us "THEM" and "THOSE WHO MADE THE MESS", like it was a pile of dog poop we dropped in front of HIM.

    No mention of Barney Franks and Maxine Waters and Dodd who were the Architects of the financial crisis.

    Yuri Bezmenov was a KGB defector in the 1960's. He warned that our institutions were being infiltrated by communist's teachings with no opposing teaching of USA principles. He Says

    Exposure to real information means nothing to these fully demoralized USA citizens. He mentions Jane Fonda as an example. He says there is no way to show them anything. He said MAYBE if they got a Soviet military boot up the back end they might see the light. Yuri says the elitist are thoroughly indoctrinated and propagandized. He says takes about 30 years to demoralize a country. In his sense demoralization means when you teach an individual to abandon the historical traditional beliefs of his country and accept the Lenin Marxists ideologies. Remember he was speaking around 1980 or so, so there is another 25 years of demoralization since then,

    White House interim communications director Anita Dunn calling Mao Zedong one of her “favorite political philosophers.”

    White House adviser Communist Van Jones said he would use the green movement to transform capitalism into something else.

    Barack Hussein Obama, "redistributing wealth is a good thing"

    Michelle Obama "First time in my life I've been proud of America"...Even tho her Husband was a US Senator

    Yuri Bezmenov:

    Our local Conservative Talk Show host Vicki McKenna admits she was brainwashed to be a communist in College, University of Wisconsin I believe. I'm not sure what epiphany saved her from the brink but she needed to "Clean herself up". She is 41 or so, same genre as Obama. We know Obama has written his chosen associates were communist professors.

    Stay with me. The point is, the heartland and bible clutching gun clutching average Citizen hasn't had this brain washing demoralization take place. That's why we can still see the positives about USA and they can't. Certain numbers of Citizens are groupies and will follow the President and authority no matter what. A certain number of Citizens are so dependent on entitlements that they will follow the perceived purveyors of these handouts into the brink blindly. They define this country as the check in the mail.

    WE CAN TOTALLY IGNORE THE LESS THAN 30MILLION voters who are demoralized, they are not worth our effort, Union workers, members minorities who are blindly following progressive leaders. IGNORE THEM. They can find us, we are not looking for them because they are brainwashed and we don't have time or resources to deprogram them.

    The social programs that seniors are dependent on have stripped seniors of their savings and in many cases put them into a dependency on the state, as was the PLAN. For most of our lives we have paid in 17% into social security (8.5 employer and 8.5% worker FICA) then an additional 2.9% for medicare and 3% or more for workman's compensation at state levels and you are close to 25% paid into entitlement programs.

    If I had control of that money I would probably have 2.5 Million Now.

    Just think 25% of your lifetime earnings with a reasonable compounded return over 40+ years.

    So for most middle class Senior Citizens we are not standing around with our hands out, we just want a reasonable return for these taxes and our cheating lying government cant do it. They have stolen our wealth in the name of their entitlements.

    The progressives can not directly address these issues. They know there is some ultimate time that the government will own everything and they can get it right. Their current excuse is their plan isn't "complete".

    There are probably about 2 million citizens driving the demoralization of USA. There are 15million union members who will follow the union bosses, mostly public employees. About 10 million adult minorities who will vote democratic almost automatically because they think the dems "look Out" for them.

    That is 27 million that you cant touch or make any sense to.

    131 million voters in 2008.

    27 million Demoralized Citizens, they may not be socialist/communists but they are committed to the Unions or the entitlements or they are the Elitists like Obama who hate the USA, They are irrevocable groupies in the genre of Jonesville and Heavens Gate.
    (Blog on joining groups) (Stats on party affiliation)

    These are polls not registrations

    36% Democrat
    23% Republican
    40% Independent

    Let me point out that in 2004 Republicans were 30%. I postulate that polls would be up for party in power and down for that out of power just because Citizens want to be with the winner. But these are the best numbers I can find so we will use them.

    52.4 Million Independents (40% of 131) who swing to the most convincing argument each election.
    30.1 Million republicans (who don't always vote republican)
    47.1 Million Democrats (of which 23 million are totally demoralized)

    When you look at Party affiliation you have a real problem with republicans winning elections, they need a real boost from Independents.

    But if we look at stats from Ideology point of view

    37% Conservative 48.5 Million
    36% Moderate 47.1 Million
    19% Liberal 24.9 Million (this is close to our estimate of 23 million demoralized Citizens)

    When you look at Ideology you would suppose a conservative can easily win every election. Our mission should be clear. Define the Liberal Progressive candidates as RADICAL liberals, push that concept incessantly.

    Define the Conservative candidate as a Strong conservative with a tinge of moderation. No compassionate conservative Bush wore that out. But a strong Constitutionalist who wants a good safety net for underprivileged, with a road out of welfare for each individual.

    2) THE SECOND THING IS TO GET SENIOR CITIZENS TO VOTE FOR A CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE, Drive them to the polls, register them. We probably have 10 million seniors we can bring to the polls.

    In case you doubt the demoralization of USA Citizens.

    I just heard an interesting sound clip from KSM's Defense Counsel. The graduate of Harvard and the US AirForce Academy says, and I roughly quote:

    "If these men have only a moment to stand up to the US Government's propaganda, I'll say 'its about time. It will be worth it' .... These men are not terrorists."

    This is a USA citizen. So get it right, they are Demoralized and are not Patriots in any sense we understand it. They have a allegiance to a country that they VISUALIZE, not the USA we know and love,

    Be True